Tuesday, June 28, 2011

City Bowl Market recap

Two items of sad news today. First, I forgot my camera for this past week's market, so only have photos taken with my phone. They're even worse than my normal photos! But here is a small collage of them, anyway:

Almost all of this sold out on Saturday. Yay!
The other sad news is that this past Saturday was munch's last time at the market for the time being. I've so loved being a part of the market, and am really sad to go, but for right now it's the best decision logistically. 

Munch will definitely be making the rounds at the market as a customer, though - I'm looking forward to trying out all the other delicious offerings, and I will continue to do the occasional market update here, but from a client's perspective from now on.

Hope to see you all there in the coming weeks and months!


  1. I wondered where you were this past Saturday, sorry to hear the market thing didn't work out for you.

    PS. Congrats on your engagement. :)

  2. I missed the market this weekend! Hopefully I'll bump into you there when I go visit in the coming weeks :)

    And thank you, very very happy!
